The unexpected gift you got!

 During this past holiday season did you get something you had not expected?  I am not talking about adding to your hideous holiday sweater collection, or even  the latest "As seen on TV" gadget... I'm talking about the gift that might still be lingering around... despite all your efforts at eating right, and killing yourself at the gym 3-4 times a week.  You have been given a holiday cold!  Where did you get it? You certainly want to thank the thoughtful gift giver personally, for thinking of you this year?

GROCERY SHOPPING:  Outside your local market,  you might notice hand wipes, or hand sani- liquid dispensers?  If your store doesn't have one   you should have your own supply in your handbag.  Thousands of us travel during the holiday's and end up in local stores, bringing that little sniffle and cough they had on the airplane right onto your  shopping cart handle. Just in case you did wipe off the handle, our sniffily friends have handled some of the same foods that  you might be bringing home with you.  When we wipe a nose, cheek, or our  mouth, the germs and virus have just hopped  from one person to the next.

WASH YOUR FOOD:  Your fruit and produce you just brought home is handled by a variety of hands  from  the workers picking in the fields,  to the final set of hands putting the food  into your mouth, along with it, any germs into your waiting body.   Give everything a good rinse to clean off any unwanted germs.

WASH YOUR HANDS:  Germs can stay alive on your hands for up to 72 hrs, wash with soap and warm water frequently, and  add a shot of hand sani before toweling your hands dry.  Limit touching your mouth and nose to prevent the bug lingering inside you!


SALINE RINSE: (Netti Pot)  If you have got a bug?  A nasal irrigation w/ grapefruit oil will  help alleviate symptoms from nasal congestion removing excess mucous and debris: 2 times a day until symptoms are relieved. (if you live in a area with water contamination issues, use bottled water, or boil your water to kill any bacteria prior to using in your netti).

OUT W/ THE OLD:  When battling a seasonal bug, it is time to clean up areas where the germs can live, and risk spreading to the rest of your household!   Toss out your toothbrush, bring a brand new one in.  Replace your hand towels, bath towels, wash cloths, kitchen sponges, and of course fresh sheets and pillow cases on the bed.

HYDRATE:  When losing so much liquid, it is important to remember even on cold days to hydrate with decaffeinated beverages-
Green Tea, Ginger tea w/ lemon and honey , or  coconut water are great option top off your tank.

Need a little extra boost?  Try this great recipe that I designed to hydrate, while filling you with vit C, and boosting herbs to restore your body's health.


(I recommend using a NutriBullet- which uses  all the nutrients to maximize your healing).

COLD BLASTER - T. Engle 2011


2 peeled juice Orange
1 banana
1 tsp Goji berries
1/2-3/4" piece of fresh ginger
3/4 c green tea (pre-brewed tea, chilled)
1 tsp honey
15-30 drops Echinacia Augustifolia root extract
Blend all ingredients until smooth and frothy.  Drink 2x a day to maximize healing!

Fuel for success:  2014 is about reclaiming your health!
 Tired of thinking up healthy menus for your family?
 Do you "not have time" to work out or eat right? 
 Are simply tired of always feeling tired and run down?  
 Training for a new season? event, or lots of business travel?
Gift yourself  a "Food for Fuel" make over, customized packages  or one time consultations tailored specific to your goals  whether it is a kitchen, or menu revamp,  grocery shopping savings tour, or getting a "tune up" to maximize delicious meals that help you reclaim your health, balance and happiness.  Email for pricing information!

 Share this blog with your friends on your favorite social media sites!  
Here's to your health!


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