Eat a salad!!!

The most popular question I am asked is- "what is one thing I can do to 'eat better' and lose a few pounds?"
Man w/ 3800 calories- he consumes each day

There is no one thing, or a magic system to being healthy, fit, and focused.
FuelingYou customizes programs that  consider your  health, and lifestyle history, and build upon your successes!

 We do have lots of data that shows that since the 1950's Americans now consume on avg. 3800 calories per per person a day, and annually individuals consume 195 pounds of meat. That is 57 pounds more than our 1950's counterparts.(1)


After watching 120,000 people for 20 years- individuals who regularly consumed red, and processed meat gained 4 more pounds per year, than those who ate more healthy nuts. By consuming protein from other sources like beans, farm raised poultry, and wild caught fish instances of illness were reduced.

- Mixed Greens (try something other than spinach) explore a variety of of green mixes,- Arugula, Frissee, or grow your own- !!!)
- Seasonal veggies or sliced fruit (strawberries, cherry tomatoes, mini peppers, cauliflower, brocolli, squash are all delicious options).
- 1 serving Protein- Protein comes from:  Chickpea's, Lentils, beans, Pea's, Salmon (boost Omega-3's), boiled egg,or piece of grilled chicken.  (1 serving is the size of the palm of your hand).
+ Dressing options: 1 tsp Hummus (hummus gives you a protein boost), OR 1 tsp of EVOO (extra virgin Olive Oil)+1/4tsp Rice wine vinegar, or balsamic vinegar.
+Nuts 1 serving (a serving is one handful or 12 almonds)
Good nuts and seeds
Unsalted Roasted Almonds
Unsalted- Walnuts, Cashews.
1 tsp- Flax, Chia, and hemp seeds- are great sources of Omega 3's (great for joint health) mix them in a container that you can shake them out on top of your salads, or Oatmeal for breakfast.

In our home 6'x8' raised bed we grow salad fixings and kale that lasts our family from April to Sept.
That is a direct savings we shave off our weekly grocery bill!!

Grow your own salad garden- Just getting started?  Grow salad greens, and herbs in pots.
Explore new raw salad recipes- Try one tonight!

Have fun discovering new favorites, and get access to loads of free recipes by being a FuelingYou member!   Ready to get started  Contact FuelingYou.


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